One place to search all of your data.


Combining an Advanced Search System with an Integrated Data Utilization and Communication Suite

Searchisit, an innovative tool designed to revolutionize your organizations data management and communication capabilities.

Your files, conversations, emails, tasks, texts, videos, and more, will now integrate into an easy to use interface that organizes and makes your information searchable and delivered back to you as reports, summaries, or documents.

This comprehensive platform empowers teams, and users, for heightened productivity, collaboration, and data-forward decision-making.

Your files, conversations, emails, tasks, texts, videos, and more, will now integrate into an easy to use interface that organizes and makes your information searchable and delivered back to you as reports, summaries, or documents.

This comprehensive platform empowers teams, and users, for heightened productivity, collaboration, and data-forward decision-making.


The Challenge

In today’s data-intensive business environment, managing and effectively utilizing vast amounts of information is a significant challenge. Searchisit addresses this challenge head-on, offering an integrated solution that simplifies data retrieval and enhances communication efficiency. 

This goes far beyond search; it’s a comprehensive system for transforming your raw data into actionable insights and effective communication.

Now your data is fresh, up to date, and accessible across your organization. 




Never struggle to find relevant files, messages or content ever again.


Searchisit is the missing link between all your data, the answers you are looking for, and the way you are looking to receive your information, filtered by each data point and for each member in your organization.


Your terabytes of data are now easily organized and found.

All search results are grounded in your own enterprise data and applications that connect to your interface. 

All search results are grounded in your own enterprise data and applications that connect to your interface. 

Searchisit offers citations and links for summaries generated, which means information presented can be verified. 

You have full control in determining what data sources are used and can control what data sources to leverage.


  • Searchisit offers citations and links for summaries generated, which means information presented can be verified. 

  • You have full control in determining what data sources are used and can control what data sources to leverage.

Your sensitive information stays safe.

Technology Specifications

Compliant with Industry Standards

Designed for
On-Premises &


Supports Wide Range of Data Formats




Enhanced Data Retrieval and Utilization

Streamlines the process from data search to communication.


Provides tools for creating data-driven reports and presentations.

Increased Productivity

Reduces time spent on data management, unnecessary expenses, and repeat content creation.

Collaboration & Consistency

Facilitates teamwork and maintains message consistency across communications.

Knowledge Based Generation

Create and update documentation for teams and organizations based on existing, disparate documentation currently strewn across multiple data sources.

Content Generation

Generate compelling and captivating email copy, website articles, social media posts. All aimed at achieving specific goals such as boosting sales, generating leads, or enhancing brand awareness.

Auto-Generate Meaningful Communications

Save time by automating the generation of standard reports.

Intuitive Search at Your Fingertips

Searchisit makes the process of your business, in its entirety, better. Your internal information is available, accessible, and easy to reach while being filtered for each team and user.


Use Cases

By leveraging SearchIsIt, organizations can significantly streamline their content creation processes, enhance day-to-day operations, and ensure that all communications are data-driven and efficient.



Whether you want to improve the quality of search on your websites or make it easier for your employees to find internal data, with SearchIsIt you can easily  leverage your data to set up search engines that meet your objectives while maintaining access control, data privacy and sovereignty. 


1-9 User Access


10-50 User Access


50+ User Access

All Packages Include:

  • Single interface to search files, images, videos, audio, emails, chats, and databases searchable
  • Make every tool your organization uses searchable. 

  • Internal and external facing search.

  • Summary and citations for results.

  • Ability to integrate into custom reporting and presentations directly from your organization’s content

  • Advanced human search, no need for keyword crafting or knowing where something lives to find it, just type in general words or sentences and SearchIsIt will scour everything to retrieve what you need.

  • Custom tailored solution for each user and specific to your organization.

  • Dedicated support and training data engineer.

  • Maintenance and automatic updating.

Get in Touch
